It is our position that the people of Palestine suffer from longstanding oppressive conditions generated by Zionism, a political program originating in the 19th century with one overarching goal: to establish on Palestinian land an independent nation for Jewish people worldwide, the state of Israel. Although the history of Zionism has involved a multitude of complex factors, the achievement of the Zionist program since 1948 has required the systematic ethnic cleansing of Palestinian land, the relentless subjugation of the Palestinian people, and the massive obliteration of both historical record and current events through an intense campaign of propaganda and violence. Day by day, this political program continues to expand its reach through its continuing annexation of land and ongoing assault on human rights.
The United States government has financed the Zionist program and insured its successful growth, viewing the state of Israel as a crucial ally in the maintenance of the USA’s long term strategic position in the Middle East.
The state of Israel maintains extensive institutional organizations with the goal of discrediting criticism of Zionism, justifying its policies, and spreading its ideology as “public diplomacy” through HASBARA—literally (in Hebrew) “explanation.” Some of the foundational planks of Zionist propaganda assert that:
- The state of Israel represents the best interests of Jewish people worldwide.
- Israel is a vibrant democracy which must protect itself through the reluctant adoption of security measures which outsiders do not have the right to criticize.
- Questioning Israeli policy is the work of terrorists or anti-Semites; Jews who question Israeli policy are “self-hating” and disloyal enemies of their own people.
Each of these assertions is a falsehood. But refuting these statements requires facts, and the black-out of genuine information about Palestine has made facts hard to come by.
We have assembled here a list of resources to help the reader reconsider the facts through the lens of various viewpoints independent of Zionist ideology. The resources are organized as News Venues, Books, Journal Articles, Personal Reflections, Online Films and Documentaries, and Organizations—with brief commentaries offered for some of the resources to assist the reader in navigating among them. These materials contain hyperlinks to a full text when possible (we recognize that not all online links remain functional and apologize for inadequacies or inaccuracies which may evolve).
This list is neither comprehensive nor intended to serve as a self-sufficient platform for academic research, but assembled to indicate some of the breadth and depth of discussion on Palestine that is available and to stimulate further exploration. We welcome suggested additions via email at [email protected]. The USA Palestine Mental Health Network does not necessarily endorse every idea put forward by the individual journalists, authors, and scholars noted here.