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As we see it, the principle of justice is the core of mental health. This is true regarding what is happening in Palestine and it is true everywhere. “Coping” with injustice means first understanding it, and then taking responsible action to address it. Our potential for mental well-being is undermined by our ignorance, powerlessness, and passivity in the face of injustice. But through our empathy with human beings who are being destroyed, humiliated, injured, and killed, we have the opportunity to participate in the restoration of their human dignity.

Our demand that the perpetrators of injustice be accountable likewise helps to restore the human dignity of the perpetrators; only through the perpetrators’ accepting responsibility for their collaboration with injustice can this be accomplished. As witnesses, we must be mindful of our obligation to understand more deeply what we witness–in all of its causes and its implications–and to act wisely on behalf of the powerless. Sustaining our mental health is thus mostly a collective endeavor and one that involves active thinking, learning, and doing.

USA-Palestine Mental Health Network Statement on the Genocide in Gaza

A letter to mental health professionals in Gaza, Palestine